Inside Conundrum House Forums UWS Art Auction 2020 Art submissions It’s odd that we each have art with blue stuff on a corner, don’t you think?

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    • #7096

        Okay Guys.

        Don’t you think it’s a bit weird that we all inherited art from our grandparents? Except for Lia, of course. But, the map her granddad gave her lead her to the art with the same kind of blue stuff all over one corner.

        Here’s the artwork I have. What do you think is the significance of the blue squiggly bits on the corners of all 4 artworks?

        Part of my inheritance

      • #7100

          Hey Gang!

          I’ve got another weird story to share about the stuff grandpa left me…

          So, the other day I was late for work (again).

          It was raining cats and dogs and nothing seemed to be exciting. When I got to the broadcasting station I was worried that my boss would be angry at me. Surprisingly, he was happy to see me. I asked him what is going on and he told me that there was a problem with some sort of static noise in the studio and he asked me to have a look at it. So I did. After a few hours of work it came down to simply switching the power off and back on!

          Since I am a perfectionist, I really wanted to find out what caused the noise issue. I took a recording of the noise back home and hooked it up to a special machine that my grandpa gave me when I was 12 which allows me to amplify the noise in order to analyse it. After some time I started noticing that the noise sounds a little bit like a message. Unfortunately it is in some weird wording that I can not understand – it sounds like poetry…

          Anyway, if I can get beyond the static, I’ll transcribe the message and maybe we can take a crack at that too…?


        • #7101

            Larry! You always managed to find yourself surrounded by a bunch of weird, yet cool stuff! Good to see it’s still a thing with you!

            Inside the stuff I got from grandpa I found a diary he used when he was working at a power plant here at BBIS around the time of WWII. The diary reminds me of the old times where my grandpa would tell me stories about his experiences during that time which is very exciting. Inside the diaries it involved very interesting details and how it was for him working at the powerplant. I also found this box with russian written on it and a reader on it. Turns out the thing inside is a ANOTHER Geiger counter, but this time Russian.

            What were our grandparents working on back then?!?


          • #7146
            Adrienne Fritze


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