FRIday – 27 march 2020!
spend a spicy evening with “friends”
Thyme has been Killed,
and You've Been Summoned
to the Reading of Her Will
RSVP for Your Character Role Now!
ORDER EARLY! See who you get to be in the Cast of Characters below. AND give yourself Thyme (oops, TIME) to read through your character dossier, and mess with some of the clues in your packet!
Meet the Cast of Characters!
$45/player. INCLUDES: Character Dossier & Pre-Game Night Secrets Packet + Dinner
Dossier & Pre-Game packets arrive in the mail after you book your character.

Brock Lee
Corporate Financial Legal Consultant for Fische, Blarney and Stone. The name of the law firm tells it all! Brock has become a very wealthy man protecting the rights of the high browed rich and infamous in Monkshood. Including representing the Great Sage in her dealings with the feds.

"Nut" Meg Chandlier
Student Criminologist / Idealistic Vigilante. Meg despises her ma, Chrystal due to the whitewashing the “Hood Gazette” does for the gansta' local yokels. For “Nut”, her father's death served as a catalyst, and “Nut” is out for justice…and vengeance.

Ginger B. Redd
Real Estate Agent whose business card reads: GINGER B. REDD – HOUSES. A past contemporary of Roxie Pepper from the “Old Shaker Days,” Ginger despises Roxie and her circle of hoity-toity friends. Especially the Great Sage whose advice ALWAYS preceeded Roxie's wealth tripling itself!

Charlie "Potato" Head
Research scientist for Corporate Farming Industries; specializing in tuber crops. Seemingly mild-mannered Charlie Head isn't the kind of guy you'd expect to see hanging out with Monkshood's criminally elite….and yet there he is, everywhere, all the time. Makes one wonder what kind of tuber research Charlie does!

Ava Cahdo
Investigative Reporter for the “Hood Gazette.” Ava has found herself on the “bad” side of Chrystal on many occasions. For Ava, who came from a “real” reporter's background, the way Chrystal cuts apart her stories is suspect at best, overtly biased and criminal at worse. There's something going on under this “Hood.”

Ace Maker
Al ALWAYS has one, usually two, body guards with him all the time. Ace is the senior guard who is at Al's side day, and night. An expert swordsperson, Ace tends to be the silent, sword-bedecked type, registering caution in all who see Ace. And giving thoughts to anyone threatening Ace's boss Al.

Paemae P. Lenti
Paemae seems to be at the right place at the right time when it comes to witnessing crimes-in-progress. If you read through several years of the Gazette, Paemae's name appears often among the witnesses of various crimes – bank heists among the most cited.

Al's “other” bodyguard. All we know about this stealthy personal protection guru is that he, or she, prefers cocktails in stemmed glasses, cuz that's the only evidence police ever find at a Shadow crime scene, along with a business card that reads “Only the Shadow NoNoNo's.” Part seriously creepy, part mega cool.

Roxie "Red" Pepper
Entrepreneur / Pepper Shaker Produce and Laundry Company of Oregon. Despite her pole dancing past, Roxie has made a fortune thinking outside the box, and she has the Great Sage to thank for most of it!

Al Capon
Expert Counterfeiter admired as the “Teflon Criminal” cuz nothin' sticks! Or does it? Rumor has it that Capon was worried about the upcoming criminal investigation, and that Thyme was at the heart of it!

Chrystal Chandlier
Owner / Publisher of the “Hood Gazette”. Chrystal inherited the Gazette from her long dead husband, and like him, there's talk that she whitewashes the criminal practices of the locals, particularly Al and Roxie, making them appear legit.

Senator "Green" Bean
U.S. Senator from Oregon who made a name for himself in revving up a new agricultural market for Oregon's farming conglomerates, competing with and crushing Idaho producers in what has been called int he papers, “The Potato Wars.”